16 minute read

UCL Course COMP0143 Cryptocurrencies: Prerequisite Cryptography Part I

Hash Functions


Passwords stored in server database should not be stored in plaintext

Possible Solutions:

  • Using encryption: have to care about the secret keys

  • Using one-way function: have to care about the possible collisions

    e.g., given the one-way function \(f\), there could exist a password \(pw^\prime \neq pw\) but \(f(pw^\prime) = f(pw)\)


Hash Function is a one-way function

which maps arbitrary-sized input \(m\) into an output \(h\) with fixed-length \(l\)


  • Collision Resistant (CR)

    \[Pr[\text{HashColl}_{\mathcal{A},{H^s}}(\lambda) = 1] \leq negl(\lambda)\]

    where \(H^s: \{0,1\}^{l’(\lambda)} \rightarrow \{0,1\}^{l(\lambda)}\) with \(s \leftarrow Gen(\lambda)\) and \(l’(\lambda) > l(\lambda)\)

    Note: \(s\) is public and need not be random.

    The \(\text{HashColl}_{\mathcal{A},{H^s}}(\lambda)\) Process:

    1. \(s \xleftarrow{$} Gen(1^\lambda)\)

    2. \((x,y) \leftarrow \mathcal{A}(1^\lambda,s)\)

    3. return \(1\) when \(x \neq y \implies H^s(x) = H^s(y)\) otherwise returns \(0\)

    An Easier Explanation:

    It is hard to find different \(m_0\) and \(m_1\), such that \(H(m_0) = H(m_1)\)

  • Preimage Resistance (PR1)

    For given \(x \xleftarrow{$} \{0,1\}^*, h := H^s(x)\),

    it is infeasible for any PPT adversary \(\mathcal{A}\) who knows \(s\) and \(h\)

    to find \(y \in \{0,1\}^*\) which meets \(h = H^s(y)\)

    An Easier Explanation:

    It is hard to find a \(m\) for a given \(h\), such that \(h = H(m)\)

  • Second Preimage Resistance (PR2)

    For given \(x \xleftarrow{$} \{0,1\}^*, h := H^s(x)\),

    it is infeasible for any PPT adversary \(\mathcal{A}\) who knows \(s\) and \(x\)

    to find \(y \in \{0,1\}^*, y \neq x\) which meets \(h = H^s(y)\)

    An Easier Explanation:

    It is hard to find a different \(m_1\) for a given \(m_0\), such that \(H(m_0) = H(m_1)\)

Relationship between Properties

  • if \(H\) is CR, then \(H\) is also PR2

  • if \(H\) is PR2, then \(H\) is also PR1 (in practice)


Since \(l’(\lambda) > l(\lambda)\), there must exist collisions

Using Brute Force Attacks

Takes exponential time complexity: \(O(2^l)\)

Using Birthday Attacks

Collision Probability

\[\frac{q\cdot (q-1)}{4N} \leq Pr[C_{q,N}] \leq \frac{q \cdot (q-1)}{2N}\]


  • \(N\) is the number of all possible outputs of \(H\) (i.e., \(N = 2^l\))

  • \(q\) is the number of distinct inputs that are hashed

when \(q \approx \sqrt N\) with probability \(\geq \frac{1}{2} − negl(\lambda)\)

Takes reduced time complexity: \(O(2^\frac{l}{2})\) (still NOT against PR2 or PR1)

Application in Bitcoin: SHA2-256

Merkle-Damgård Function


Davies-Meyer Compression Function


Application in Ethereum: Keccak-256

Keccak Specifications Summary

Sponge Function

This is a special method for building cryptographic hash functions
that can process an arbitrary-sized input and produce an arbitrary-sized output.


  • State Size \(b\): total size of the internal state (e.g., 1600 bits for Keccak-256),

  • Bitrate Size \(r\): the portion of the state that interacts with the input/output (e.g., 1088 bits for Keccak-256),

  • Capacity Size \(c = b - r\): the portion of the state that provides security (e.g., 512 bits for Keccak-256).

Note: the security level is determined by half the capacity \(\frac{c}{2}\).

Padding Scheme

Use multi-rate padding:

  1. First, appends a \(1\) bit

  2. Then, followed by many \(0\) bits as needed

  3. Finally, ends a \(1\) bit

to ensure the padded message length is a multiple of the rate \(r\).

Absorbing Phase

  1. Set the initial state to zero

  2. Split the padded message into \(M_i\) blocks (each block length is \(r\))

  3. Update the first \(r\) bits of the current state by XORing with the block \(M_i\)

    \[state[\, 0: r-1\,] = state[\, 0: r-1\,] \,\oplus \, M_i\]
  4. Get the next state by applying Keccak-\(f[1600]\) permutation function to the updated state

Squeezing Phase

The hash output is taken from the first \(r\) bits of the state when all blocks are aborted

  • If the desired hash length is less than or equal to \(r\) , it is extracted directly.

  • If more output is needed (e.g., length \(l\)), take the first \(r\) bits of the state as \(z_0\),
    and apply Keccak-\(f[1600]\) permutation function again, take the first \(l-r\) bits of the state,
    if \(l-r > r\), continue the permutation to get \(z_i\), and finally concatenate them together to get the hash.

Keccak-\(f[1600]\) Permutation Function

State Representation

The state is a 3-dimensional array of bits arranged as \(5 \times 5 \times w\) (e.g., \(w = 64\) for Keccak-256).


The number of rounds \(n\) depends on the permutation width \(w = 2^l\)
and is given by \(n = 12 + 2l\) (e.g., \(n = 24\) for Keccak-256).

Permutation Steps

The state can be visualized as a \(5 \times 5\) grid of lanes and each lane is \(w\) bits long.

Each \(5 \times 5\) grid is called slice which has 5 rows and 5 columns

For each round, the permutation will perform the following steps

  • \(\theta\) Step: computes the parity of each column and mixes this parity into the state (import in-slice diffusion)

  • \(\rho\) Step: applies a cyclic shift (rotation) to each lane to spread bits over the lanes (import inter-slice diffusion)

  • \(\pi\) Step: rearranges the positions of the lanes (complete diffusion)

  • \(\chi\) Step: combines bits using a non-linear function (import non-linearity)

  • \(\iota\) Step: adds a round constant to the state (break symmetry)

Note: please check the official specifications summary for more details.

Random Oracle Model

A hash function \(H\) is a public function and anyone can use it to compute \(H(m)\) when giving \(m\).

Cryptographic security proofs often assume in addition that \(H(m)\) is unpredictable and uniformly distributed.

These proofs view hash functions as a Random Oracle.


  • A random oracle \(R(\cdot)\) on input \(m\) outputs a \(l\)-bit random string \(s = R(m)\).

  • It is an infinite object and cannot be computed publicly by a PPT algorithm.

  • To obtain \(s = R(m)\), input \(m\) must be queried to the oracle \(R(\cdot)\).

  • Outputs of \(R(\cdot)\) are unpredictable and uniformly distributed.

Relationship with Hash Function

Modelling hash functions \(H\) as a random oracle (or \(H\) is in Random Oracle Model) needs

  • \(H(\cdot)\) should be public, and

  • Distributions of \(R(\cdot)\)’s and \(H(\cdot)\)’s outputs are computationally indistinguishable.

Merkle Trees


A Merkle tree is a tree data structure in which

  • every leaf node contains the cryptographic hash of a data block, and

  • every non-leaf node contains the cryptographic hash of its child nodes.

Given \(n\) inputs \((x_0, x_1, \dots, x_{n-1})\) with \(x_j \in \{0,1\}^*\), nodes \(a_{i,j}\) in the binary Merkle tree:

\[a_{i,j} = \begin{cases} \, H(x_j), & i = 0 \\ \, H(a_{i-1, 2j} \, || \, a_{i-1, 2j+1}), & 1 \leq i \leq k \end{cases}\]


  • \(0 \leq j \leq \frac{n}{2^i} - 1\)

  • \(k = log_2n\) which is the Merkle tree height

  • nodes \(a_{i,j}\) when \(i = 0\) are called leaves

  • node \(a_{i,j}\) when \(i = k\) is called Merkle root


Tree Creating

The Merkle tree is created according to the definition

Note: if there is an odd number of leaf nodes, the last node is duplicated to form a pair.

Root Calculating

The Merkle root is calculated once the tree is created (\(i = k\))

Note: any change in any data block will alter that leaf hash and propagate changes along the path up to the root.

Proof Generating


  1. Identify the target leaf hash: \(H(x_j)\).

  2. Collect sibling hashes at each level: \(k-1\) hashes of sibling nodes are required to reconstruct the path to the root.

  3. Generate proof: the proof \(\pi\) consists of the target leaf hash and the list of sibling hashes at each level.

Note: the Merkle proof is efficient since only a small subset of the tree is needed to verify the inclusion.

Inclusion Verifying

The verification can be done by comparing the root from the reconstructed path according to the given proof.

Tree Updating

Updating (adding, removing, modifying) data blocks need to recompute the affected hashes.

Tree Pruning

Reduce storage requirements by

  • removing unnecessary parts of the tree, while

  • retaining the ability to verify data inclusion.

Application in Bitcoin: Binary Merkle Tree


Application in Ethereum: Merkle Patricia Trie

Ethereum needs to efficiently store, update, and check key-value pairs with variable-length keys.

Radix Trie

A radix trie is a space-optimized trie where each node with only one child is merged with its child.

This compression reduces the number of nodes and edges, saving memory and potentially improving lookup times.

Key-Value Node Structure

[i_0, i_1, ..., i_n, value]


  • i_0, i_1, ... i_n is the key of the node (represented by the symbols of the alphabet)

  • value is the value of the node (stores the value)

Key-Value Node Example

Given a key-value pair <'dog', 4>

  1. Turn dog into letters of the alphabet: d o g

  2. Follow path to find the value: root -> d -> o -> g -> 4

Merkle Radix Trie

Provide integrity using Keccak-256 Hash Function and Recursive Length Prefix (RLP) Serialization

\[\textit{path} := \text{Keccak-256}\Big(\text{RLP}(\textit{value})\Big)\]


  • The atomic unit becomes a single hex character (called nibble)

  • Each node can maximally refer to 16 children and have a value element

  • Node structure becomes a 17 element array [i_0, i_1, ..., i_15, value]

Note: this 17 element array is the Branch node type in Ethereum.

Recursive Length Prefix Serialization

RLP Specifications Summary

Merkle Patricia Trie

Patricia is short for Practical Algorithm To Retrieve Information Coded in Alphanumeric.

Inefficiency of Merkle Radix Trie

Since each hex character in path corresponds to a node in the trie,
and path in Ethereum is usually 64 hex characters long (32 bytes).

  • Space Inefficiency: need over a kilobyte of extra space to store one level per character

  • Time Inefficiency: need to take the full 64 steps for each lookup or delete

Optimization via Node Types

  • NULL: represented as the empty string

  • Branch: 17 element array [ v0, v1, ..., v15, vt ]

  • Leaf: 2 element array [ encodedPath_L, value ]

  • Extension: 2 element array [ encodedPath_E, key ]

When reaching a node where no divergent path exists for at least part of the way down,
the default method is to create up to 15 NULL nodes along the path.

To avoid this, shortcut the descent by setting up an Extension node of the form [ encodedPath_E, key ],

  • encodedPath_E contains the partial path to skip ahead via a compact encoding

  • key is used for the next lookup

Then, a Leaf node can be marked by a flag in the first hex character of the encodedPath_L,
the path encodes all prior node’s path fragments such that can look up the value directly.

Ambiguity Solution

When traversing paths in hex characters, may end up with an odd number of hex characters to traverse.
However, all data are stored in bytes format, and this will introduce ambiguity.
For example, one hex character 1 and two hex characters 01 are both stored as 01.

Therefore, the partial path is prefixed with a flag to specify odd length.

def compact_encode(hexarray):
    # Determine if there is a termination flag (Leaf nodes will have a termination flag)
    term = 1 if hexarray[-1] == 16 else 0
    if term:
        hexarray = hexarray[:-1]  # Remove the last element if it's 16

    # Check if the length of the hex array is odd
    oddlen = len(hexarray) % 2

    # Set the flags: 2 * term + oddlen
    flags = 2 * term + oddlen

    # Adjust the array based on whether its length is odd
    if oddlen:
        hexarray = [flags] + hexarray
        hexarray = [flags, 0] + hexarray

    # Ensure that the hexarray has an even length and the first hex character is the flags
    output = bytearray()

    # Combine two hex characters into a byte
    for i in range(0, len(hexarray), 2):
        output.append(16 * hexarray[i] + hexarray[i + 1])

    # Convert each byte to its hexadecimal representation without '0x' prefix
    output = [format(byte, '02x') for byte in output]
    return output

To simplify:

  • Add 0x00 as prefix if the node is an Extension node and the path consists of even number of hex characters.

    [ 0x0, 0x1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x4, 0x5 ] => [ '00', '01', '23', '45' ]

  • Add 0x1 as prefix if the node is an Extension node and the path consists of odd number of hex characters.

    [ 0x1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x4, 0x5 ] => [ '11', '23', '45' ]

  • Add 0x20 as prefix if the node is a Leaf node and the path consists of even number of hex characters.

    [ 0x0, 0xf, 0x1, 0xc, 0xb, 0x8, 0x10 ] => [ '20', '0f', '1c' ,'b8' ]

  • Add 0x3 as prefix if the node is a Leaf node and the path consists of odd number of hex characters.

    [ 0xf, 0x1, 0xc, 0xb, 0x8, 0x10 ] => [ '3f', '1c', 'b8' ]

Comprehensive Example


    <'do'>    = <64 6f>          : 'verb'
    <'dog'>   = <64 6f 67>       : 'puppy'
    <'doge'>  = <64 6f 67 65>    : 'coins'
    <'horse'> = <68 6f 72 73 65> : 'stallion'


    rootHash: [ <16>, hashA ]
    hashA:    [ <>, <>, <>, <>, hashB, <>, <>, <>, [ <20 6f 72 73 65>, 'stallion' ], <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <> ]
    hashB:    [ <00 6f>, hashC ]
    hashC:    [ <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, hashD, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, 'verb' ]
    hashD:    [ <17>, hashE ]
    hashE:    [ <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, [ <35>, 'coins' ], <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, 'puppy' ]


  • rootHash is an Extension node, where its encodedPath is [ 0x6 ] => [ '16' ].

  • hashA is a Branch node, where its child at Index 4 points to hashB and child at Index 8 points to a Leaf node.

    Note: this Branch node does not have a value.

  • [ <20 6f 72 73 65>, 'stallion' ] is a Leaf node which is pointed by the child at Index 8 in hashA,

    where its encodedPath is [ 0x6, 0xf, 0x7, 0x2, 0x7, 0x3, 0x6, 0x5, 0x10 ] => [ '20', '6f', '72', '73', '65' ].

  • hashB is an Extension node, where its encodedPath is [ 0x6, 0xf ] => [ '00', '6f' ].

  • hashC is a Branch node, where its child at Index 6 points to hashD.

    Note: this Branch node has a value.

  • hashD is an Extension node, where its encodedPath is [ 0x7 ] => [ '17' ].

  • hashE is a Branch node, where its child at Index 6 points to a Leaf node.

    Note: this Branch node has a value.

  • [ <35>, 'coins' ] is a Leaf node which is pointed by the child at Index 6 in hashE,

    where its encodedPath is [ 0x5, 0x10 ] => [ '35' ].

Moreover, when one node is referenced inside another node, what is included is

\[H := \begin{cases} \, \text{Keccak-256}(x) & \text{if } \text{len}(x) \geq 32 \\ \, x & \text{if } \text{len}(x) < 32 \end{cases} \quad \text{where} \quad x := \text{RLP}(\text{node})\]

Trie Types

  • State Trie: stores mappings between account addresses and account states.

    path := keccak256(ethereumAddress) and value := rlp(ethereumAccount)

    where account state is a 4 element array [nonce, balance, storageRoot, codeHash]

  • Storage Trie: stores extra mappings between account addresses and all related contract data.

  • Transaction Trie: stores transactions included in a block.

  • Receipts Trie: stores receipts of transactions (logs and status).