OKWS and Least Privilege
UCL Course COMP0133: Distributed Systems and Security LEC-19
Motivation and Goal
Servers often hold sensitive data and Single server shared by different users
One user should not see data of other users
Subsystems on single server must cooperate to operate
Prevent users from obtaining or modifying data other than their own
to limit the harm that attackers can do when exploiting the server
Approach: Compartmentalization
Provide minimal access to system data and resources for its job for each subsystem
Define narrow interfaces that allow only exact operatons required for applications between subsystems
Define assuming exploit may occur, especially in subsystems closest to users
Principle of Least Privilege
Each subsystem should only have access to read or modify data needed for its job
The above requirement should be enforced externally (OS -> APP) not within subsystems
Must decompose system into subsystems
必须将系统分解为子系统Must reason carefully about truly minimal set of privileges needed by each subsystem
必须仔细推理每个子系统所需的真正最小权限集 -
Must be able to grant privileges in fine-grained (not generous) manner
Privilege Separation
Determine which subsystems most exposed to attack
Reduce privileges of most exposed subsystems
Follow Least Privilege Principle and Privilege Separation
split a web server into multiple processes
each process has different minimal privileges and runs as different user IDs
use UNIX isolation mechanism to prevent processes from reading or writing data of others
UNIX Isolation Mechanism
Change Root Directory
The system call chroot()
which changes the root directory of the calling process to that specified in path
which means it can set process’s notion of file system root such that directories above this point will not be changed
—– change the current working directory of the calling process to the given directory
—– change the root directory of the calling process to the given directory
—– set the effective user ID (currently unprivileged user ID that not be used) of the calling process
such that process has no access to any other filesystem
except files in tree rooted at specific path /usr/local/alone
—– Pros
then it is impossible to access UNIX setuid-root programs (e.g., change password)
or other sensitive data elsewhere on disk
but it is needed to have a priori set up all system files needed by process in directory —– Cons
Pass File Descriptor
Since the parent server process is privileged (as root) initially,
the privileged parent process can open files that needed by unprivileged child
and can pass the child open file descriptors to these files when the parent fork()
such that child process can read these files even if it cannot open them
and can pass the child open file descriptors to these files dynamically by sendmsg()
after the parent fork()
such that child process that connect to network can just accept connection (not read)
and then pass socket for that connection to another lower privileged process that can read
It is needed since the privileged parent server process
not have connection to network to get the potential malicious user inputs
okld (launcher daemon) process forks okd (dispatcher) process,
oklogd (logger daemon) process, and a series of service processeswhere okld process is privileged (as root)
services request to oklogd process by RPC to write log entries to disk (only oklogd process has the write privilege)
and external network requests are received by okd process
okd process forks pubd (publish daemon) process
where pubd process has limited read access to static data
(e.g., configuration files and HTML template files) stored on the local disk -
okd process parses user input without holding any sensitive data
and send user input to corresponding service processess by RPC
each service process (i.e., \( svc_i \)) parses the received user input in a jail directory
ed by okld processsuch that each of them cannot read or write data in other services
database proxy process (i.e., \( data_i \)) only accpets authenticated requests for subset of narrow RPC interface
which can then read sensitive data from database
Althrough okld process runs as root, there is no need to worry about exploit on it
since it has no potentially malicious user input, and okd child process with lower privilege will accept them
Trade-off between Isolation and Performance
\( s_i \) —– services
\( u_j \) —– users
\( t_{i,j} \) —– state for user \( u_j \) in service \( s_i \)
\( p_k \) —– processes
\( \rightarrow \) —– dependency (e.g., process \( p_1 \) depends on service \( s_1 \) in OKWS Model)
Grey Shading —– entities that will be influenced by attackers when process \( p_1 \) is exploited successfully
Strict Model
Strict Model uses one process per user which will give the strictest isolation
but it will require many processes which will lead to high cost and low performance
huge memory cost due to seperate virtual memory space & huge CPU cost
due to context switch (change one process to another)
OKWS Model
OKWS Model uses one process per service which will achieve lower cost and better performance
but the compromised service may reveal data of one user to another
Least Privilege Principle and Privilege Separation hold real promise for limiting harm exploits can do
Programming model for services requires new style of programming
must set up all system files needed by process in directory since
ed services -
must define narrow and per-service interfaces to database
must communicate explicitly using RPC between service and database