11 minute read

UCL Course COMP0133: Distributed Systems and Security LEC-15


Design a more general and flexible authentication system

Drawbacks of Simple Authentication Model

which uses digitial signatures based on public key encryption scheme

  • Slow

    Public key encryption scheme are expensive and slow

  • Rigid

    The \( 2^{nd} \) Machine Problem

    If one user wants to SSH into the \( 2^{nd} \) machine, the \( 2^{nd} \) machine also needs to sign its RPCs to server

    The \( 2^{nd} \) machine may need to send messages back to the \( 1^{st} \) machine for signing

    since only the \( 1^{st} \) machine has the private key (not want the \( 2^{nd} \) machine to store)


  • Each machine has an identity: \( (K,K^{-1}) \)

  • Alice logs into machine \( X \) will sign certificate: Alice says \( X \) speaks for Alice

    English Language

    Alice claims that the machine \( X \) is doing execution of code on behalf of Alice

    such that others should view things machine \( X \) does as being done by Alice

    Security Relationship

    Alice signs “\( X \) speaks for Alice” with \( K_{Alice} \)

    (using public key \( K_{Alice} \) for shorthand 速记, actually using private key \( K_{Alice}^{-1} \))

    such that machine \( X \) does not need to have private key of Alice

Solve the \( 2^{nd} \) Machine Problem

  • I’m \( Y \) —– The \( 2^{nd} \) Machine

  • \( X \) says \( Y \) speaks for Alice

  • Alice says \( X \) speaks for Alice

Drawbacks of SSL/TLS

Although SSL/TLS improve efficiency using symmetric key ciphers for session data

  • Rigid

    The \( 2^{nd} \) Machine Problem

    SSL/TLS are exactly for two principals (client principal and server principal) tied to channels

    If \( X \) says something to \( Y \), \( Y \) can’t prove anything to \( Z \)

    If \( X \) closes its connection to \( Y \), \( Y \) can’t verify anything after closing

    Only support distributed systems with 2 parties

Advantages of TAOS

  • Certificates are independent of channels

  • Certificates can be stored, passed to other parties

  • Certificates can be used to prove transitive trust relationships (not pairwise trust relationships)

Axioms in TAOS Logic

speaks for Axiom


(\( A \) speaks for \( B \)) AND (\( A \) says \( S \))


\( B \) says \( S \)

Handoff Axiom


\( A \) says (\( B \) speaks for \( A \))


(\( B \) speaks for \( A \))

Delegation Axiom (precise type of Handoff Axiom)


\( A \) says ((\( B \) | \( A \)) speaks for (\( B \) for \( A \)))


(\( B \) | \( A \)) speaks for (\( B \) for \( A \))

Combine Together

Combine speaks for and Handoff Together


(\( A \) says (\( B \) speaks for \( A \))) AND (\( B \) says \( S \))


(\( B \) speaks for \( A \)) AND (\( B \) says \( S \))


\( A \) says \( S \)

Combine speaks for and Delegation Together


(\( A \) says (\( B \) | \( A \)) speaks for (\( B \) for \( A \))) AND (\( B \) says \( A \) says \( S \))


((\( B \) | \( A \)) speaks for (\( B \) for \( A \))) AND (\( B \) says \( A \) says \( S \))


(\( B \) for \( A \)) says \( S \)

Compare two combination: Delegation is more specific than Handoff

since Delegation involves both delegator \( A \) and delegate \( B \) (while Handoff only involves delegator \( A \))

which is helpful and important for auditing



  • User Bob logs into workstation WS

  • TAOS logic used to authenticate requests from Bob’s login session to a remote file server FS


  • Workstation firmware 固件

  • OS

  • Bob

  • Channel

Keep track

  • who knows private keys

  • who knows signed certificates

  • who knows channel keys

State Before Bob Logs in

  • Workstation firmware knows \( K_{vax4} \)

  • User knows \( K_{Bob} \)’s private “half”

  • File server has \( K_{Bob} \)’s public “half” in an ACL

Workstation Boot Time

  • Workstation firmware generates fresh public/private key \( K_{ws} \)

    Why not use \( K_{vax4} \) directly?

    Don’t want it to be stolen

    Don’t want statements (i.e., certificates generated for login sessions) to survive reboot (temporary identity)

  • Workstation firmware signs

    \( K_{vax4} \) says (\( K_{ws} \) speaks for \( K_{vax4} \)) —– Handoff

    such that \( K_{vax4} \) will nerver be used again until reboot

    Why preserve \( K_{vax4} \) identity?

    Want workstation identity to survive reboot (long-term identity)

  • In assigned paper

    (\( K_{vax4} \) as OS) says (\( K_{ws} \) speaks for (\( K_{vax4} \) as OS)) —– Handoff

    Why use (\( K_{vax4} \) as OS)?

    User might not trust some versions of OS, or some OS

    Want to allow OS type/version to be visible in ACLs

    Assuming a role amounts to reducing access rights

Keep Tracking: Now vax4’s authentication agent knows

  • \( K_{ws} \) (but forgets \( K_{vax4} \))

  • (\( K_{vax4} \) as OS) says (\( K_{ws} \) speaks for (\( K_{vax4} \) as OS))

User Login

Treat login as a specialized form of delegation

such that the machine vax4 can be delegated by user Bob (who does not want vax4 to know his private key)

therefore, the machine vax4 needs an identity in this authentication

  • When Bob logs in

    \( K_{Bob} \) says ((\( K_{ws} \) | \( K_{Bob} \)) speaks for (\( K_{ws} \) for \( K_{Bob} \))) —– Delegation

    such that \( K_{Bob} \) will nerver be used again until his next login

    Why here not use Handoff : \( K_{Bob} \) says (\( K_{ws} \) speaks for \( K_{Bob} \)) ?

    If the following statements signed by \( K_{ws} \) are ambiguous, it may be usable out of context (misused in some way)


    • \( A \) | \( B \) is \( A \) quoting\( B \) which means A is claiming (no proof yet) that \( A \) is speaking for \( B \): if \( A \) says \( B \) says \( S \), then (\( A \) | \( B \)) says S

    • \( A \) for \( B \) is stronger than \( A \) | \( B \) which means it is the logical conclusion that A is allowed to speak for \( B \):

      if \( A \) says \( B \) says \( S \) and \( A \) is authorized to act as \( B \)’s delegate, then (\( A \) for \( B \)) says S

      which is usually used in \( A \) | \( B \) with delegation

Keep Tracking: Now vax4’s authentication agent knows

  • \( K_{ws} \)

  • (\( K_{vax4} \) as OS) says (\( K_{ws} \) speaks for (\( K_{vax4} \) as OS))

  • \( K_{Bob} \) says ((\( K_{ws} \) | \( K_{Bob} \)) speaks for (\( K_{ws} \) for \( K_{Bob} \)))

Request from Login Session to File server

A channel \( C_{Bob} \) exists to issue the request

  • TAOS uses symmetric-key ciphers to encrypt channels between hosts

  • Channels named by their symmetric key

  • \( C_{Bob} \) doesn’t imply anything about Bob

    which is only a mnemonic 助记符 used by authors to indicate intent that \( C_{Bob} \) carries messages from Bob

    System must establish proof that this is case

Keep Tracking: File server knows

  • \( C_{Bob} \) says \( RQ \)

    where \( RQ \) is a file server request

    which means the received request from someone who knows key \( C_{Bob} \)

Channel Certificate

  • Workstation firmware signs channel certificate

    when channel between workstation firmware and file server first created

    (\( K_{ws} \) | \( K_{Bob} \)) says (\( C_{Bob} \) speaks for (\( K_{ws} \) for \( K_{Bob} \))) —— Delegation

    Aim: Link \( RQ \) encrypted with \( C_{Bob} \) to user Bob

    Why not \( K_{Bob} \) says (\( C_{Bob} \) speaks for \( K_{Bob} \))?

    This is what SSL/TLS client-side certificates do

    But in TAOS, authentication agent doesn’t hold \( K_{Bob} \)’s private half

    Why not \( K_{ws} \) says (\( C_{Bob} \) speaks for \( K_{ws} \))?

    \( C_{Bob} \) doesn’t speak for \( K_{ws} \) in general and only for \( K_{Bob} \)

Authentication Proof

After workstation firmware sends all certificates to file server

Keep Tracking: file server knows

  • (\( K_{vax4} \) as OS) says (\( K_{ws} \) speaks for (\( K_{vax4} \) as OS)) —– (1)

  • \( K_{Bob} \) says ((\( K_{ws} \) | \( K_{Bob} \)) speaks for (\( K_{ws} \) for \( K_{Bob} \))) —– (2)

  • (\( K_{ws} \) | \( K_{Bob} \)) says (\( C_{Bob} \) speaks for (\( K_{ws} \) for \( K_{Bob} \))) —– (3)

  • \( C_{Bob} \) says \( RQ \) —– (4)


Delegation Axiom

IF (2)

\( K_{Bob} \) says ((\( K_{ws} \) | \( K_{Bob} \)) speaks for (\( K_{ws} \) for \( K_{Bob} \)))


(\( K_{ws} \) | \( K_{Bob} \)) speaks for (\( K_{ws} \) for \( K_{Bob} \)) —– (5)

speaks for Axiom

IF (3)

(\( K_{ws} \) | \( K_{Bob} \)) says (\( C_{Bob} \) speaks for (\( K_{ws} \) for \( K_{Bob} \)))

AND (5)

(\( K_{ws} \) | \( K_{Bob} \)) speaks for (\( K_{ws} \) for \( K_{Bob} \))


(\( K_{ws} \) for \( K_{Bob} \)) says (\( C_{Bob} \) speaks for (\( K_{ws} \) for \( K_{Bob} \))) —– (6)

Handoff Axiom

IF (6)

(\( K_{ws} \) for \( K_{Bob} \)) says (\( C_{Bob} \) speaks for (\( K_{ws} \) for \( K_{Bob} \)))


\( C_{Bob} \) speaks for (\( K_{ws} \) for \( K_{Bob} \)) —– (7)

speaks for Axiom

IF (4)

\( C_{Bob} \) says \( RQ \)

AND (7)

\( C_{Bob} \) speaks for (\( K_{ws} \) for \( K_{Bob} \))


(\( K_{ws} \) for \( K_{Bob} \)) says \( RQ \) —– (8)