Introduction to Security
UCL Course COMP0133: Distributed Systems and Security LEC-11
Perfect Security: An Unattainable Goal
Security is
A question of how motivated adversary is, and how much money he has
No individual technique perfect
e.g., People can be a serious problem in each real-world system
Could meet a stated goal, but the goal could be inappropriate
Weakest item will determine the system security
techniques to controal who can access/modify systems
unit of accountability in a system (e.g., users)
Access Control
technqiues to restrict operations to particular principals
(e.g., authentication, authorization …)
verification of identity of principal making request
granting of request to principal
Violation of Confidentiality
Confidentiality: attackers read data without authorization
Vilation of Integrity
Integrity: attackers modify data without authorization
Vilation of Availability (Denial of service)
Availability: attackers make system unavaliable to legitimate users
General Approach
Figure out what to protect & what it is worth (Asset)
Figure out which attacks you want to defend against (Threat Model)
State goals and desired properties clearly (specifically)
e.g., Attack \( X \) on resource \( Y \) should cost \( Z \)
Structure with two types of components
Trusted: must operate as designer expected, or breach (minimize this components)
Untrusted: subverted operation does not lead to breach
Analyze resulting system (self-testing and testing by expected team), monitor success
Security is a Negative Goal
Ensure that nothing happens without authorization (hard to control something not do)
First step: specify who authorized to do what by policy
Definition: Goal that security must achieve
- Human Intent: originates from outside system
Subject: principal
Object: abstraction to which access requested (e.g., file, memory page, serial port)
Each object supports different kinds of access (e.g., read or write file, change permissions, …)
Access control
determine that which operation should be allowed
What principal making request? (Authentication)
Is operation permitted to principal? (Authorization)
Local User Authentication
Only the owner of the file can access it
UNIX Authentication Policy
Each file has an owner principal: an integer user ID
Each file has associated owner permissions (read, write, execute, &c.)
Each process runs with integer user ID
only can access file as owner if matches file’s owner user ID
OS assigns user ID to user’s shell process at login time, authenticated by username and password
<username, user id, password>
Shell process creates new child processes with same user ID when typing commands
Bad Approach: Plaintext Password Database
Keep password database in a file
Passwords stored in file in plaintext
Make file readable only by privileged superuser (root)
program prompts for usernames and passwords on console
runs as root, so can read password database
Shut down the computer, pull out the disk, read the disk in some other computer as root
If attackers can play a role as root, they can attack successfully
Better Approach: Hashed Password Database
Hash Function
\( H \) is a cryptographic hash function \( H(x) = y \) where
Given \( y \) and \( H() \), it is computationally infeasible to recover \( x \)
Given \( y \), it is computationally infeasible to find \( x’ \neq x \) such that \( H(x) = H(x’) = y \)
Instead of password in plaintext, store the hashed password \( H(password) \)
Make file readable by anyone (since hash functions cannot be inverted)
Dictionary Attack
Obtain copy of password file (until recently, world-readable on UNIX)
Compute hash results for all possible common word —– only done once and work for all
String compare resulting hashed words against passwords in file
Improved Approach: Salted & Hashed Password Database
Generate a random string of bytes \( r \) —– Salt
Store the pair \( (H(password,r), r) \) in password file
Same password produces different result on every machine
Must see password file before can hash dictionary
Single hashed dictionary not work for multiple hosts
In Modern UNIX:
Use salted & hashed password database
The database is readable only by root
However, dictionary attacks are still possible after seeing password file
Remote User Authentication
defend eavesdropping
transfering username and plaintext password is not accepted
defend inserting, deleting, modifying, and replaying
transfering username and hased password is not accepted (attack by recording and replaying)
such that
message must change unpredictably at each login
message must be verifiable at server as matching the user-known secret value
Possible Approach (only use Hash Functions)
Store the following information in server password database:
\( Alice:99:H^{99}(password) \)
The number is announced by server to client
At first login, Alice sends:
\( {Alice, H^{98}(password)} \)
After verifying and logging, server then updates its database to contain:
\( Alice:98:H^{98}(password) \)
At next login, Alice sends:
\( {Alice, H^{97}(password)} \)
and so on ……
Alice must store her secret on the server securely (best if physically at server’s console)
Alice must choose total number of logins at time of storing secret
When logins all “used”, must store new secret on server securely again