Introduction to COMP0133
UCL Course COMP0133: Distributed Systems and Security LEC-00
Distributed Systems
Disadvantages of Centralized System
Single point of failure
Finite resource \( \implies \) Overload
One Reason for Distributed System: Avaliability
Method: Replicate data on several servers
Reachability: increasing possibility to access one usable server
independent probabilities of a single failure
Consistency? - What if servers have different data, client should choose which one to trust?
Latency? - What if replicas are made far apart? (long round trip time \( \implies \) poor user experience)
Partition Resilience? - What if one seat remain on plane is bought twice due to partition?
Trade-off between Availability and Consistency
Another reason for Distributed System: Scalable Capacity
Method: Spread users across several servers
- Linear Scaling: \( U \) users per box \( \implies \) \( N \) boxes support \( NU \) users
Bottlenecks? What if all users’ inbox are set on one server?
Scaling? How to close to linear?
Load Balance? What if some users get more emails than others?
Hard to Design Distributed Systems
Failure: Hosts, Network … (which one fails?)
Heterogeneity 多相性: Different data representations (Big Endian or Little Endian)
Need consistency (specific definitions for different applications)
Need concurrency for preformance (waiting synchronously \( \implies \) resource idle)
Before Internet
Encryption and Authentication using cryptography
Communication between parties known each other
Internet Era
Potential attackers all over the Internet
Parties have no prior relationship
Cryptography will not enough to solve all problems (e.g., software vulnerabilities…)