27 minute read

A List of Academic Blockchain Papers

Top 4 Conferences: S&P, CCS, USENIX, NDSS

Other Conferences: PETS, EuroS&P, ICSE, WWW

Specific Conferences: DLT, FC, ICBC, AFT

Included Journals: TDSC, TIFS

✅ : Read with Note


🔥 73 Papers Accepted by Top 4 Conferences (S&P, CCS, USENIX, NDSS) 🔥


SoK: Security and Privacy of Blockchain Interoperability - S&P

Sweep-UC: Swapping Coins Privately - S&P

Atomic and Fair Data Exchange via Blockchain - CCS

zkCross: A Novel Architecture for Cross-Chain Privacy-Preserving Auditing - USENIX

Sidechains With Optimally Succinct Proof - TDSC

IvyRedaction: Enabling Atomic, Consistent and Accountable Cross-Chain Rewriting - TDSC

Fair2Trade: Digital Trading Platform Ensuring Exchange and Distribution Fairness - TDSC

Reinventing Multi-User Authentication Security From Cross-Chain Perspective - TIFS


Stealing Trust: Unraveling Blind Message Attacks in Web3 Authentication - CCS

Complete Knowledge: Preventing Encumbrance of Cryptographic Secrets - CCS

Blind Multi-Signatures for Anonymous Tokens with Decentralized Issuance and Public Verifiability - CCS

Mempool Privacy via Batched Threshold Encryption: Attacks and Defenses - USENIX

GuideEnricher: Protecting the Anonymity of Ethereum Mixing Service Users with Deep Reinforcement Learning - USENIX

PrivData Network: A Privacy-Preserving On-Chain Data Factory and Trading Market - TDSC

SPCEX: Secure and Privacy-Preserving Cryptocurrency Exchange - TDSC

Concise RingCT Protocol Based on Linkable Threshold Ring Signature - TDSC

Anonymity-Enhancing Multi-Hop Locks for Monero-Enabled Payment Channel Networks - TIFS

FACOS: Enabling Privacy Protection Through Fine-Grained Access Control With On-Chain and Off-Chain System - TIFS

MaskAuct: Seller-Autonomous Auction With Bidder Anonymity and Bidding Confidentiality - TIFS


Characterizing Ethereum Address Poisoning Attack - CCS

Pisces: Private and Compliable Cryptocurrency Exchange - NDSS

Content Censorship in the InterPlanetary File System - NDSS

Unlinkable Policy-Compliant Signatures for Compliant and Decentralized Anonymous Payments - PETS

Blockchain Censorship - WWW

DenseFlow: Spotting Cryptocurrency Money Laundering in Ethereum Transaction Graphs - WWW

Monero With Multi-Grained Redaction - TDSC

Reducing Privacy of CoinJoin Transactions: Quantitative Bitcoin Network Analysis - TDSC

Solution Probing Attack Against Coin Mixing Based Privacy-Preserving Crowdsourcing Platforms - TDSC

Breaking the Anonymity of Ethereum Mixing Services Using Graph Feature Learning - TIFS

Dynamic Trust-Based Redactable Blockchain Supporting Update and Traceability - TIFS

Accountable Fine-Grained Blockchain Rewriting in the Permissionless Setting - TIFS

Toward Understanding Asset Flows in Crypto Money Laundering Through the Lenses of Ethereum Heists - TIFS

Decentralized Threshold Signatures With Dynamically Private Accountability - TIFS

Graph-Based Covert Transaction Detection and Protection in Blockchain - TIFS

PRBFPT: A Practical Redactable Blockchain Framework With a Public Trapdoor - TIFS

Division of Regulatory Power: Collaborative Regulation for Privacy-Preserving Blockchains - TIFS

Fishing for Fraudsters: Uncovering Ethereum Phishing Gangs With Blockchain Data - TIFS

Exploring Unobservable Blockchain-Based Covert Channel for Censorship-Resistant Systems - TIFS

BaseSAP: Modular Stealth Address Protocol for Programmable Blockchains - TIFS

Privacy-Preserving Cryptocurrency With Threshold Authentication and Regulation - TIFS

Accountable and Secure Threshold EdDSA Signature and Its Applications - TIFS

Redactable Blockchain Based on Decentralized Trapdoor Verifiable Delay Functions - TIFS

Controlled Redactable Blockchain Based on T-Times Chameleon Hash and Signature - TIFS

Unified Feature Engineering for Detection of Malicious Entities in Blockchain Networks - TIFS

Accountable Secret Committee Election and Anonymous Sharding Blockchain Consensus - TIFS

Who Stole My NFT? Investigating Web3 NFT Phishing Scams on Ethereum - TIFS


Specular: Towards Secure, Trust-minimized Optimistic Blockchain Execution - S&P

Sui Lutris: A Blockchain Combining Broadcast and Consensus - CCS

High-Throughput Three-Party DPFs with Applications to ORAM and Digital Currencies - CCS

Reckle Trees: Updatable Merkle Batch Proofs with Applications - CCS

Front-running Attack in Sharded Blockchains and Fair Cross-shard Consensus - NDSS

A Two-Layer Blockchain Sharding Protocol Leveraging Safety and Liveness for Enhanced Performance - NDSS

Advancing Web 3.0: Making Smart Contracts Smarter on Blockchain - WWW

Anonymous Multi-Hop Payment for Payment Channel Networks - TDSC

monoCash: A Channel-Free Payment Network via Trusted Monotonic Counters - TDSC

DeCloak: Enable Secure and Cheap Multi-Party Transactions on Legacy Blockchains by a Minimally Trusted TEE Network - TIFS

CHERUBIM: A Secure and Highly Parallel Cross-Shard Consensus Using Quadruple Pipelined Two-Phase Commit for Sharding Blockchains - TIFS

Secret Multiple Leaders & Committee Election With Application to Sharding Blockchain - TIFS

A Secure and Efficient Blockchain Sharding Scheme via Hybrid Consensus and Dynamic Management - TIFS

SAMCU: Secure and Anonymous Multi-Channel Updates in Payment Channel Networks - TIFS


Chronos: Finding Timeout Bugs in Practical Distributed Systems by Deep-Priority Fuzzing with Transient Delay - S&P

Conning the Crypto Conman: End-to-End Analysis of Cryptocurrency-based Technical Support Scams - S&P

Nurgle: Exacerbating Resource Consumption in Blockchain State Storage via MPT Manipulation - S&P

Nyx: Detecting Exploitable Front-Running Vulnerabilities in Smart Contracts - S&P

SMARTINV: Multimodal Learning for Smart Contract Invariant Inference - S&P

PriDe CT: Towards Public Consensus, Private Transactions, and Forward Secrecy in Decentralized Payments - S&P

POMABuster: Detecting Price Oracle Manipulation Attacks in Decentralized Finance - S&P

Pulling Off The Mask: Forensic Analysis of the Deceptive Creator Wallets Behind Smart Contract Fraud - S&P

Towards Smart Contract Fuzzing on GPUs - S&P

Routing Attacks on Cryptocurrency Mining Pools - S&P

Larger-scale Nakamoto-style Blockchains Don’t Necessarily Offer Better Security - S&P

Large-Scale Study of Vulnerability Scanners for Ethereum Smart Contracts - S&P

Non-Atomic Arbitrage in Decentralized Finance - S&P

Formal Model-Driven Analysis of Resilience of GossipSub to Attacks from Misbehaving Peers - S&P

Payout Races and Congested Channels: A Formal Analysis of Security in the Lightning Network - CCS

Blockchain Bribing Attacks and the Efficacy of Counterincentives - CCS

Defying the Odds: Solana’s Unexpected Resilience in Spite of the Security Challenges Faced by Developers - CCS

Securing Lightning Channels against Rational Miners - CCS

Towards Automatic Discovery of Denial of Service Weaknesses in Blockchain Resource Models - CCS

TokenScout: Early Detection of Ethereum Scam Tokens via Temporal Graph Learning - CCS

fAmulet: Finding Finalization Failure Bugs in Polygon zkRollup - CCS

DoubleUp Roll: Double-spending in Arbitrum by Rolling It Back - CCS

Speculative Denial-of-Service Attacks In Ethereum - USENIX

Pixel+ and Pixel++: Compact and Efficient Forward-Secure Multi-Signatures for PoS Blockchain Consensus - USENIX

Understanding Ethereum Mempool Security under Asymmetric DoS by Symbolized Stateful Fuzzing - USENIX

All Your Tokens are Belong to Us: Demystifying Address Verification Vulnerabilities in Solidity Smart Contracts - USENIX

Using My Functions Should Follow My Checks: Understanding and Detecting Insecure OpenZeppelin Code in Smart Contracts - USENIX

Max Attestation Matters: Making Honest Parties Lose Their Incentives in Ethereum PoS - USENIX

Not your Type! Detecting Storage Collision Vulnerabilities in Ethereum Smart Contracts - NDSS

Abusing the Ethereum Smart Contract Verification Services for Fun and Profit - NDSS

DRAINCLoG: Detecting Rogue Accounts with Illegally-obtained NFTs using Classifiers Learned on Graphs - NDSS

VETEOS: Statically Vetting EOSIO Contracts for the “Groundhog Day” Vulnerabilities - NDSS

DISC-NG: Robust Service Discovery in the Ethereum Global Network - EuroS&P

Secure compilation of rich smart contracts on poor UTXO blockchains - EuroS&P

Smart Contract and DeFi Security Tools: Do They Meet the Needs of Practitioners? - ICSE

PonziGuard: Detecting Ponzi Schemes on Ethereum with Contract Runtime Behavior Graph - ICSE

Revealing Hidden Threats: An Empirical Study of Library Misuse in Smart Contracts - ICSE

Are We There Yet? Unraveling the State-of-the-Art Smart Contract Fuzzers - ICSE

When Contracts Meets Crypto: Exploring Developers’ Struggles with Ethereum Cryptographic APIs - ICSE

Towards Finding Accounting Errors in Smart Contracts - ICSE

FlashSyn: Flash Loan Attack Synthesis via Counter Example Driven Approximation - ICSE

GPTScan: Detecting Logic Vulnerabilities in Smart Contracts by Combining GPT with Program Analysis - ICSE

PrettySmart: Detecting Permission Re-delegation Vulnerability for Token Behaviors in Smart Contracts - ICSE

SCVHunter: Smart Contract Vulnerability Detection Based on Heterogeneous Graph Attention Network - ICSE

Safeguarding DeFi Smart Contracts against Oracle Deviations - ICSE

Verifying Declarative Smart Contracts - ICSE

Interface Illusions: Uncovering the Rise of Visual Scams in Cryptocurrency Wallets - WWW

ZipZap: Efficient Training of Language Models for Large-Scale Fraud Detection on Blockchain - WWW

Identifying Risky Vendors in Cryptocurrency P2P Marketplaces - WWW

Characterizing Ethereum Upgradable Smart Contracts and Their Security Implications - WWW

xFuzz: Machine Learning Guided Cross-Contract Fuzzing - TDSC

Secure Redactable Blockchain With Dynamic Support - TDSC

Adaptive Double-Spending Attacks on PoW-Based Blockchains - TDSC

Highly Available Blockchain Nodes With N-Version Design - TDSC

DeFiRanger: Detecting DeFi Price Manipulation Attacks - TDSC

Privacy-Preserving Anomaly Detection of Encrypted Smart Contract for Blockchain-Based Data Trading - TDSC

Optimal Selfish Mining-Based Denial-of-Service Attack - TIFS

EVM-Shield: In-Contract State Access Control for Fast Vulnerability Detection and Prevention - TIFS

Quantum-Safe Puncturable Signatures With Their Application in Blockchain - TIFS

CryptojackingTrap: An Evasion Resilient Nature-Inspired Algorithm to Detect Cryptojacking Malware - TIFS

Proof of Finalization: A Self-Fulfilling Function of Blockchain - TIFS

Profitability Analysis of Time-Restricted Double-Spending Attack on PoW-Based Large Scale Blockchain With the Aid of Multiple Types of Attacks - TIFS

[Zero-Knowledge Proof]

Efficient Zero-Knowledge Arguments For Paillier Cryptosystem - S&P

Scalable Verification of Zero-Knowledge Protocols - S&P

Pianist: Scalable zkRollups via Fully Distributed Zero-Knowledge Proofs - S&P

SwiftRange: A Short and Efficient Zero-Knowledge Range Argument For Confidential Transactions and More - S&P

Certifying Zero-Knowledge Circuits with Refinement Types - S&P

Ligetron: Lightweight Scalable End-to-End Zero-Knowledge Proofs Post-Quantum ZK-SNARKs on a Browser - S&P

zkPi: Proving Lean Theorems in Zero-Knowledge - CCS

Multi-Verifier Zero-Knowledge Proofs for Any Constant Fraction of Corrupted Verifiers - CCS

Sparrow : Space-Efficient zkSNARK for Data-Parallel Circuits and Applications to Zero-Knowledge Decision Trees - CCS

zkLogin: Privacy-Preserving Blockchain Authentication with Existing Credentials - CCS

Practical Security Analysis of Zero-Knowledge Proof Circuits - USENIX

From Interaction to Independence: zkSNARKs for Transparent and Non-Interactive Remote Attestation - NDSS

Ligerolight: Optimized IOP-Based Zero-Knowledge Argument for Blockchain Scalability - TDSC

Verifiable Arbitrary Queries With Zero Knowledge Confidentiality in Decentralized Storage - TIFS


Optimal Flexible Consensus and its Application to Ethereum - S&P

Nakamoto Consensus under Bounded Processing Capacity - CCS

Data Independent Order Policy Enforcement: Limitations and Solutions - CCS

Rolling in the Shadows: Analyzing the Extraction of MEV Across Layer-2 Rollups - CCS

Sprints: Intermittent Blockchain PoW Mining - USENIX

Security-Performance Tradeoff in DAG-based Proof-of-Work Blockchain Protocols - NDSS

Secure Multiparty Computation of Threshold Signatures Made More Efficient - NDSS

Separation is Good: A Faster Order-Fairness Byzantine Consensus - NDSS

chainBoost: A Secure Performance Booster for Blockchain-based Resource Markets - EuroS&P

BlockDFL: A Blockchain-based Fully Decentralized Peer-to-Peer Federated Learning Framework - WWW

Investigations of Top-Level Domain Name Collisions in Blockchain Naming Services - WWW

Unveiling the Paradox of NFT Prosperity - WWW

SodsBC: A Post-Quantum by Design Asynchronous Blockchain Framework - TDSC

DePTVM: Decentralized Pseudonym and Trust Value Management for Integrated Networks - TDSC

HCA: Hashchain-Based Consensus Acceleration Via Re-Voting - TDSC

Outsourced Privately Verifiable Proofs of Retrievability via Blockchain - TDSC

Dynamic Range Query Privacy-Preserving Scheme for Blockchain-Enhanced Smart Grid Based on Lattice - TDSC

Smart Contract Assisted Privacy-Preserving Data Aggregation and Management Scheme for Smart Grid - TDSC

D-LNBot: A Scalable, Cost-Free and Covert Hybrid Botnet on Bitcoin’s Lightning Network - TDSC

Fast-HotStuff: A Fast and Robust BFT Protocol for Blockchains - TDSC

Secure and Scalable Cross-Domain Data Sharing in Zero-Trust Cloud-Edge-End Environment Based on Sharding Blockchain - TDSC

Obfuscating Verifiable Random Functions for Proof-of-Stake Blockchains - TDSC

CrowdFAB: Intelligent Crowd-Forecasting Using Blockchains and its Use in Security - TDSC

NANO: Cryptographic Enforcement of Readability and Editability Governance in Blockchain Databases - TDSC

Blockchain-Based Shared Data Integrity Auditing and Deduplication - TDSC

Blockchain-Based Compact Verifiable Data Streaming With Self-Auditing - TDSC

DSChain: A Blockchain System for Complete Lifecycle Security of Data in Internet of Things - TDSC

A Blockchain-Based Secure Covert Communication Method via Shamir Threshold and STC Mapping - TDSC

A Blockchain-Based Privacy-Preserving Scheme for Sealed-Bid Auction - TDSC

Blockchain Based Auditable Access Control for Business Processes With Event Driven Policies - TDSC

DeGKM: Decentralized Group Key Management for Content Push in Integrated Networks - TDSC

A Privacy-Preserving Incentive Mechanism for Mobile Crowdsensing Based on Blockchain - TDSC

Trusted Hardware-Assisted Leaderless Byzantine Fault Tolerance Consensus - TDSC

Refereed Delegation of Computation Using Smart Contracts - TDSC

BASS: A Blockchain-Based Asynchronous SignSGD Architecture for Efficient and Secure Federated Learning - TDSC

Parallel Byzantine Consensus Based on Hierarchical Architecture and Trusted Hardware - TDSC

BWKA: A Blockchain-Based Wide-Area Knowledge Acquisition Ecosystem - TDSC

Ensuring State Continuity for Confidential Computing: A Blockchain-Based Approach - TDSC

BG: A Modular Treatment of BFT Consensus Toward a Unified Theory of BFT Replication - TIFS

SanIdea: Exploiting Secure Blockchain-Based Access Control via Sanitizable Encryption - TIFS

Blockchain-Based Dynamic Time-Encapsulated Data Auditing for Outsourcing Storage - TIFS

MC-DSC: A Dynamic Secure Resource Configuration Scheme Based on Medical Consortium Blockchain - TIFS

Blockchain-Based Secure Cross-Domain Data Sharing for Edge-Assisted Industrial Internet of Things - TIFS

Libras: A Fair, Secure, Verifiable, and Scalable Outsourcing Computation Scheme Based on Blockchain - TIFS

Blockchain-Based Group Key Management Scheme for IoT With Anonymity of Group Members - TIFS

Highly-Secure Yet Efficient Blockchain-Based CRL-Free Key Management Protocol for IoT-Enabled Smart Grid Environments - TIFS

Wahoo: A DAG-Based BFT Consensus With Low Latency and Low Communication Overhead - TIFS

Fair and Privacy-Preserved Data Trading Protocol by Exploiting Blockchain - TIFS

BASUV: A Blockchain-Enabled UAV Authentication Scheme for Internet of Vehicles - TIFS


🔥 46 Papers Accepted by Top 4 Conferences (S&P, CCS, USENIX, NDSS) 🔥


LedgerLocks: A Security Framework for Blockchain Protocols Based on Adaptor Signatures - CCS

TrustBoost: Boosting Trust among Interoperable Blockchains - CCS

Interchain Timestamping for Mesh Security - CSS

He-HTLC: Revisiting Incentives in HTLC - NDSS

Cross-Chain Virtual Payment Channels - TIFS


Cybercrime Bitcoin Revenue Estimations: Quantifying the Impact of Methodology and Coverage - CCS

Act Natural: Exchanging Private Messages on Public Blockchains - EuroS&P

Revelio: A Network-Level Privacy Attack in the Lightning Network - EuroS&P

Know Your Transactions: Real-time and Generic Transaction Semantic Representation on Blockchain & Web3 Ecosystem - WWW

On How Zero-Knowledge Proof Blockchain Mixers Improve, and Worsen User Privacy - WWW

UCoin: An Efficient Privacy Preserving Scheme for Cryptocurrencies - TDSC

HyperMaze: Towards Privacy-Preserving and Scalable Permissioned Blockchain - TDSC

Enabling Regulatory Compliance and Enforcement in Decentralized Anonymous Payment - TDSC

SofitMix: A Secure Offchain-Supported Bitcoin-Compatible Mixing Protocol - TDSC

ACA: Anonymous, Confidential and Auditable Transaction Systems for Blockchain - TDSC

Improving Cryptocurrency Crime Detection: CoinJoin Community Detection Approach - TDSC

Accountable and Fine-Grained Controllable Rewriting in Blockchains - TIFS

Wolverine: A Scalable and Transaction-Consistent Redactable Permissionless Blockchain - TIFS

TRacer: Scalable Graph-Based Transaction Tracing for Account-Based Blockchain Trading Systems - TIFS

MAGO: Maliciously Secure Subgraph Counting on Decentralized Social Graphs - TIFS

Verifiable and Redactable Blockchains With Fully Editing Operations - TIFS

TRCT: A Traceable Anonymous Transaction Protocol for Blockchain - TIFS


BlindHub: Bitcoin-Compatible Privacy-Preserving Payment Channel Hubs Supporting Variable Amounts - S&P

POSE: Practical Off-chain Smart Contract Execution - NDSS

Breaking and Fixing Virtual Channels: Domino Attack and Donner - NDSS

Boros: Secure and Efficient Off-Blockchain Transactions via Payment Channel Hub - TDSC

CryptoMaze: Privacy-Preserving Splitting of Off-Chain Payments - TDSC

A Distributed and Privacy-Aware High-Throughput Transaction Scheduling Approach for Scaling Blockchain - TDSC

A Flexible Sharding Blockchain Protocol Based on Cross-Shard Byzantine Fault Tolerance - TIFS


WeRLman: To Tackle Whale (Transactions), Go Deep (RL) - S&P

Three Birds with One Stone: Efficient Partitioning Attacks on Interdependent Cryptocurrency Networks - S&P

Bitcoin-Enhanced Proof-of-Stake Security: Possibilities and Impossibilities - S&P

SoK: Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Attacks - S&P

Optimistic Fast Confirmation While Tolerating Malicious Majority in Blockchains - S&P

Clockwork Finance: Automated Analysis of Economic Security in Smart Contracts - S&P

Tyr: Finding Consensus Failure Bugs in Blockchain System with Behaviour Divergent Model - S&P

Leaking Arbitrarily Many Secrets: Any-out-of-Many Proofs and Applications to RingCT Protocols - S&P

Uncle Maker: (Time)Stamping Out The Competition in Ethereum - CCS

Fuzz on the Beach: Fuzzing Solana Smart Contracts - CCS

How Hard is Takeover in DPoS Blockchains? Understanding the Security of Coin-based Voting Governance - CCS

FlexiRand: Output Private (Distributed) VRFs and Application to Blockchains - CCS

Under the Dark: A Systematical Study of Stealthy Mining Pools (Ab)use in the Wild - CCS

TxPhishScope: Towards Detecting and Understanding Transaction-based Phishing on Ethereum - CCS

Lanturn: Measuring Economic Security of Smart Contracts Through Adaptive Learning - CCS

Phoenix: Detect and Locate Resilience Issues in Blockchain via Context-Sensitive Chaos - CCS

Analyzing the Real-World Security of the Algorand Blockchain - CCS

Panda: Security Analysis of Algorand Smart Contracts - USENIX

Proxy Hunting: Understanding and Characterizing Proxy-based Upgradeable Smart Contracts in Blockchains - USENIX

The Blockchain Imitation Game - USENIX

Smarter Contracts: Detecting Vulnerabilities in Smart Contracts with Deep Transfer Learning - NDSS

BlockScope: Detecting and Investigating Propagated Vulnerabilities in Forked Blockchain Projects - NDSS

LOKI: State-Aware Fuzzing Framework for the Implementation of Blockchain Consensus Protocols - NDSS

Double and Nothing: Understanding and Detecting Cryptocurrency Giveaway Scams - NDSS

Partitioning Ethereum without Eclipsing It - NDSS

EF↯CF: High Performance Smart Contract Fuzzing for Exploit Generation - EuroS&P

Understanding the Security Risks of Decentralized Exchanges by Uncovering Unfair Trades in the Wild - EuroS&P

AChecker: Statically Detecting Smart Contract Access Control Vulnerabilities - ICSE

BSHUNTER: Detecting and Tracing Defects of Bitcoin Scripts - ICSE

Demystifying Exploitable Bugs in Smart Contracts - ICSE

Turn the Rudder: A Beacon of Reentrancy Detection for Smart Contracts on Ethereum - ICSE

Do NFTs’ Owners Really Possess their Assets? A First Look at the NFT-to-Asset Connection Fragility - WWW

BERT4ETH: A Pre-trained Transformer for Ethereum Fraud Detection - WWW

Cross-Modality Mutual Learning for Enhancing Smart Contract Vulnerability Detection on Bytecode - WWW

Bad Apples: Understanding the Centralized Security Risks in Decentralized Ecosystems - WWW

ExGen: Cross-platform, Automated Exploit Generation for Smart Contract Vulnerabilities - TDSC

Lightweight and Identifier-Oblivious Engine for Cryptocurrency Networking Anomaly Detection - TDSC

Correct-by-Design Interacting Smart Contracts and a Systematic Approach for Verifying ERC20 and ERC721 Contracts With VeriSolid - TDSC

Crystal: Enhancing Blockchain Mining Transparency With Quorum Certificate - TDSC

TxT: Real-Time Transaction Encapsulation for Ethereum Smart Contracts - TIFS

Rethinking Smart Contract Fuzzing: Fuzzing With Invocation Ordering and Important Branch Revisiting - TIFS

Blockchain Mining With Multiple Selfish Miners - TIFS

[Zero-Knowledge Proof]

zk-creds: Flexible Anonymous Credentials from zkSNARKs and Existing Identity Infrastructure - S&P

Ou: Automating the Parallelization of Zero-Knowledge Protocols - CCS

Recursion over Public-Coin Interactive Proof Systems; Faster Hash Verification - CCS

zk-AuthFeed: Protecting Data Feed to Smart Contracts With Authenticated Zero Knowledge Proof - TDSC

SymmeProof: Compact Zero-Knowledge Argument for Blockchain Confidential Transactions - TDSC

Circom: A Circuit Description Language for Building Zero-Knowledge Applications - TDSC

A New Zero Knowledge Argument for General Circuits and Its Application - TIFS


Themis: Fast, Strong Order-Fairness in Byzantine Consensus - CCS

Fait Accompli Committee Selection: Improving the Size-Security Tradeoff of Stake-Based Committees - CCS

Abraxas: Throughput-Efficient Hybrid Asynchronous Consensus - CCS

ParBFT: Faster Asynchronous BFT Consensus with a Parallel Optimistic Path - CCS

Towards Practical Sleepy BFT - CCS

Demystifying DeFi MEV Activities in Flashbots Bundle - CCS

CryptoConcurrency: (Almost) Consensusless Asset Transfer with Shared Accounts - CCS

A Large Scale Study of the Ethereum Arbitrage Ecosystem - USENIX

ACon^2: Adaptive Conformal Consensus for Provable Blockchain Oracles - USENIX

Smartmark: Software Watermarking Scheme for Smart Contracts - ICSE

Show me your NFT and I tell you how it will perform: Multimodal representation learning for NFT selling price prediction - WWW

Is IPFS Ready for Decentralized Video Streaming? - WWW

PipeEdge: A Trusted Pipelining Collaborative Edge Training based on Blockchain - WWW

Eunomia: Anonymous and Secure Vehicular Digital Forensics Based on Blockchain - TDSC

Towards Practical Auditing of Dynamic Data in Decentralized Storage - TDSC

HIBEChain: A Hierarchical Identity-Based Blockchain System for Large-Scale IoT - TDSC

BPPS:Blockchain-Enabled Privacy-Preserving Scheme for Demand-Response Management in Smart Grid Environments - TDSC

EBCPA: Efficient Blockchain-Based Conditional Privacy-Preserving Authentication for VANETs - TDSC

Towards Public Verifiable and Forward-Privacy Encrypted Search by Using Blockchain - TDSC

Blockchain-Based Transparency Framework for Privacy Preserving Third-Party Services - TDSC

Nereus: Anonymous and Secure Ride-Hailing Service Based on Private Smart Contracts - TDSC

Astraea: Anonymous and Secure Auditing Based on Private Smart Contracts for Donation Systems - TDSC

Leveraging Smart Contracts for Secure and Asynchronous Group Key Exchange Without Trusted Third Party - TDSC

AGAPECert: An Auditable, Generalized, Automated, Privacy-Enabling Certification Framework With Oblivious Smart Contracts - TDSC

On Nxt Proof of Stake Algorithm: A Simulation Study - TDSC

Go-Sharing: A Blockchain-Based Privacy-Preserving Framework for Cross-Social Network Photo Sharing - TDSC

Fair Cloud Auditing Based on Blockchain for Resource-Constrained IoT Devices - TDSC

Black Swan in Blockchain: Micro Analysis of Natural Forking - TDSC

iQuery: A Trustworthy and Scalable Blockchain Analytics Platform - TDSC

Privacy-Preserving Decision-Making Over Blockchain - TDSC

Blockchain-Based Deduplication and Integrity Auditing Over Encrypted Cloud Storage - TDSC

Efficient Multi-Party EdDSA Signature With Identifiable Aborts and its Applications to Blockchain - TIFS

SINT: Toward a Blockchain-Based Secure In-Band Network Telemetry Architecture - TIFS

Distributed Detection Over Blockchain-Aided Internet of Things in the Presence of Attacks - TIFS

sChain: An Efficient and Secure Solution for Improving Blockchain Storage - TIFS

ACB-Vote: Efficient, Flexible, and Privacy- Preserving Blockchain-Based Score Voting With Anonymously Convertible Ballots - TIFS

Designated-Verifier Aggregate Signature Scheme With Sensitive Data Privacy Protection for Permissioned Blockchain-Assisted IIoT - TIFS

Height and Punishment: Toward Accountable IoT Blockchain With Network Sanitization - TIFS

DAON: A Decentralized Autonomous Oracle Network to Provide Secure Data for Smart Contracts - TIFS



zkBridge: Trustless Cross-chain Bridges Made Practical - CCS

Universal Atomic Swaps: Secure Exchange of Coins Across All Blockchains - S&P


Watch Your Back: Identifying Cybercrime Financial Relationships in Bitcoin through Back-and-Forth Exploration - CCS

How to Peel a Million: Validating and Expanding Bitcoin Clusters - USENIX

Twilight: A Differentially Private Payment Channel Network - USENIX

SoK: Privacy-Preserving Computing in the Blockchain Era - EuroS&P

Resurrecting Address Clustering in Bitcoin - FC


Sleepy Channels: Bi-directional Payment Channels without Watchtowers - CCS

Thora: Atomic and Privacy-Preserving Multi-Channel Updates - CCS

BrokerChain: A Cross-Shard Blockchain Protocol for Account/Balance-based State Sharding - INFOCOM

S-Store:: A Scalable Data Store towards Permissioned Blockchain Sharding - INFOCOM

HIDE & SEEK: Privacy-Preserving Rebalancing on Payment Channel Networks - FC


Empirical Analysis of EIP-1559: Transaction Fees, Waiting Times, and Consensus Security - CCS

Quantifying Blockchain Extractable Value: How Dark is the Forest? - S&P

An Empirical Study of Blockchain System Vulnerabilities: Modules, Types, and Patterns - ESEC/FSE



MAD-HTLC: Because HTLC is Crazy-Cheap to Attack - S&P

Burn-to-Claim: An Asset Transfer Protocol for Blockchain Interoperability - CN

Hedging Against Sore Loser Attacks in Cross-Chain Transactions - PODC

Tracking Counterfeit Cryptocurrency End-to-End - SIGMETRICS

Vassago: Efficient and Authenticated Provenance Query on Multiple Blockchains - SRDC

SoK: Communication Across Distributed Ledgers - FC

Timelocked Bribing - FC

A Survey on Blockchain Interoperability: Past, Present, and Future Trends - CSUR


DIV: Resolving the Dynamic Issues of Zero-knowledge Set Membership Proof in the Blockchain - SIGMOD

Analysis of Cryptocurrency Transactions from a Network Perspective: An Overview - JNCA

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Bitcoin Mixers (But Were Afraid to Ask) - FC

An Empirical Analysis of Privacy in the Lightning Network - FC

The Complex Shape of Anonymity in Cryptocurrencies: Case Studies from a Systematic Approach - FC


A2L: Anonymous Atomic Locks for Scalability in Payment Channel Hubs - S&P

Practical Smart Contract Sharding with Ownership and Commutativity Analysis - PLDI

SharPer: Sharding Permissioned Blockchains Over Network Clusters - SIGMOD

Payment Trees: Low Collateral Payments for Payment Channel Networks - FC


Why Do My Blockchain Transactions Fail?: A Study of Hyperledger Fabric - SIGMOD

Congestion Attacks in Payment Channel Networks - FC



Privacy-Preserving Cross-Chain Atomic Swaps - FC


Remote Side-Channel Attacks on Anonymous Transactions - USENIX

Address Clustering Heuristics for Ethereum - FC


Snappy: Fast On-chain Payments with Practical Collaterals - NDSS

Online Payments by Merely Broadcasting Messages - DSN

SoK: Layer-Two Blockchain Protocols - FC


Accountability in a Permissioned Blockchain: Formal Analysis of Hyperledger Fabric - EuroS&P

Replay Attacks and Defenses Against Cross-shard Consensus in Sharded Distributed Ledgers - EuroS&P

Characterizing Code Clones in the Ethereum Smart Contract Ecosystem - FC

LockDown: Balance Availability Attack against Lightning Network Channels - FC



HyperService: Interoperability and Programmability Across Heterogeneous Blockchains - CCS

Proof-of-Stake Sidechains - S&P

XCLAIM: Trustless, Interoperable, Cryptocurrency-Backed Assets - S&P

Anonymous Multi-Hop Locks for Blockchain Scalability and Interoperability - NDSS

Proof-of-Work Sidechains - FC Workshop


Tracing Transactions Across Cryptocurrency Ledgers - USENIX

Deanonymization and Linkability of Cryptocurrency Transactions Based on Network Analysis - EuroS&P

New Empirical Traceability Analysis of CryptoNote-Style Blockchains - FC


Atomic Multi-Channel Updates with Constant Collateral in Bitcoin-Compatible Payment-Channel Networks - CCS

Perun: Virtual Payment Hubs over Cryptocurrencies - S&P

Teechain: A Secure Payment Network with Asynchronous Blockchain Access - SOSP

Towards Scaling Blockchain Systems via Sharding - SIGMOD

Trusted Computing Meets Blockchain: Rollback Attacks and a Solution for Hyperledger Fabric - SRDS

OptChain: Optimal Transactions Placement for Scalable Blockchain Sharding - ICDCS

Sprites and State Channels: Payment Networks that Go Faster than Lightning - FC


Temporary Censorship Attacks in the Presence of Rational Miners - EuroS&P Workshop